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Bulk Storage Racks for Bay Area Warehouses

At Western Shelving and Rack, we understand that there isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution for warehouse storage. Different facilities will require different shelving options depending on their inventory. That’s why we offer many shelving solutions to our customers. Our bulk storage racks help Bay Area warehouses store goods that are handled manually instead of on a pallet. This option allows you to stack boxes, loose products, equipment, and parts for any industry. The bulk storage racks we offer come in a variety of sizes and can handle several weight capacities. Every rack is equipped with the following features:

  • Welded with heavy-duty construction
  • Option for flush decking or wire mesh decks
  • Raise bottom shelf level to store bulky items on the floor below

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Bulk Rack Uprights

2″ x 1″ column – 7,000lb capacity per upright Adjust every 1-1/2″ 2×2 footplate

bolt rack uprights

Stock No Depth Height Net Each
BI-1872 18″ 72″ $37.35
BI-1896 18″ 95″ $50.32
BI-2472 24″ 72″ $43.75
BI-2495 24″ 95″ $56.38
BI-3672 36″ 72″ $53.96
BI-3695 36″ 95″ $70.95
BI-4872 48″ 72″ $64.79
BI-4895 48″ 95″ $82.99
Heavy Duty Bulk Rack Uprights

3″ X 1-5/8″ column – 14,000lb capacity 3″x 5″ x 3/8″ footplate

upright green heavy duty bulk rack upright

Stock No Depth Height Net Each
UP1-2496 24″ 96″ $99.44
UP1-24120 24″ 120″ $124.99
UP1-24144 24″ 144″ $146.70
UP1-36096 36″ 96″ $108.91
UP1-36120 36″ 120″ $136.70
UP1-36144 36″ 144″ $144.75
UP1-48096 48″ 96″ $140.86
UP1-48120 48″ 120″ $157.99
UP1-48144 48″ 144″ $185.95


Bulk Rack Load Beams
  • 3/4″ drop step allow for flush decking with wood or wire
  • First Beam level can be raised to desired height
  • Capacities: 48″ 1500lbs, 72″ 1300lbs, 96″ X 2″ 1200lbs, 96″x3″ 1800lbs

bulk rack load beam

Stock No Depth Height Net Each
BB-248 48″ 2″ $15.98
BB-272 72″ 2″ $21.15
BB-296 95″ 2″ $28.82
BB-396 95″ 3″ $31.70


Heavy Duty Bulk Rack Load Beams (Used Only With Heavy Duty Uprights)

3/4″ drop step with 3 pin connectors

Stock NoDepthHeightNet Each
Stock NoIB20-48Depth48"Height2"Net Each$21.82
Stock NoIB20-72Depth72"Height2"Net Each$27.50
Stock NoIB20-96Depth95"Height2"Net Each$32.50
Stock NoIB28-96Depth95"Height3"Net Each$38.20
Wire Mesh Deck

Improve visibility, sprinkler access welded supports underneath decks waterfall design for snug fit

wire mesh deck

Stock No Depth Height Net Each
BW-1848 18″ 48″ $24.50
BW-1872 18″ 72″ $36.58
BW-1896 18″ 96″ $49.75
BW-2448 24″ 48″ $24.88
BW-2472 24″ 72″ $36.55
BW-2496 24″ 96″ $49.75
BW-3648 36″ 48″ $30.88
BW-3672 36″ 72″ $46.55
BW-3696 36″ 96″ $61.88
BW-4848 48″ 48″ $36.16
BW-4872 48″ 72″ $58.48
BW-4896 48″ 96″ $72.50


Shelf Supports
  • Supports wood deck
  • 48″ 2 supports
  • 72″ 3 supports
  • 96″ 4 supports

shelf supports

Stock No Length Net Each
BSS-18 18″ $3.85
BSS-24 24″ $4.90
BSS-36 36″ $7.20
BSS-48 48″ $9.62


3/4″ Particle Board
Stock NoDepthHeightNet Each
Stock NoBPB-2448Depth24"Height48"Net Each$14.85
Stock NoBPB-2472Depth24"Height72"Net Each$22.29
Stock NoBPB-2496Depth24"Height96"Net Each$29.72
Stock NoBPB-3648Depth36"Height48"Net Each$22.30
Stock NoBPB-3672Depth36"Height72"Net Each$33.45
Stock NoBPB-3696Depth36"Height96"Net Each$44.60
Stock NoBPB-4848Depth48"Height48"Net Each$29.85
Stock NoBPB-4872Depth48"Height72"Net Each$44.60
Stock NoBPB-4896Depth48"Height96"Net Each$59.45

Find the Right Warehouse Shelving Solution