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Choose Boltless Racks for Easy Assembly

Boltless shelving is an ideal solution for many warehouse, industrial, and retail applications. Even though these shelving systems require no hardware to build, they are still extremely durable and are heavy-duty enough to hold even large items. The boltless design also makes them extremely easy to assemble and reconfigure as necessary to meet your needs. This versatility is what makes them such an excellent solution for many businesses. Western Shelving and Rack stocks many sizes of boltless rack options in the Bay Area so you can choose the right length and height to perfectly match your available space. With our boltless shelving, you’ll enjoy all of the following features:

  • All boltless construction
  • No nuts, bolts, or bracing
  • Shelves adjust on 1-1/2 centers
  • Each shelf comes with one center support
  • Connect units together and anchor to floor with tie plates and footplates
  • Shelving comes complete with 5/8″ particleboard decking

Boltless Racks

  Starter Units Come Complete with posts, metal supports, particle board

Boltless Rack Pricing

84″ High Boltless Racks with 3 Shelves per unit
boltless rack

Shelf Size W” X D” Shelf Capacity Stock No Net Each Unit Extra Shelf- Stock No Extra Shelf – Net Each
48″ X 18″ 1000 A3-4818-85 $133.38 AX-4818 $29.78
48″ X 24″ 1000 A3-4824-85 $142.95 AX-4824 $31.18
48″ X 30″ 1200 A3-4830-85 $179.55 AX-4830 $44.44
48″ X 36″ 1200 A3-4836-85 $195.82 AX-4836 $49.99
48″ X 48″ 1200 A3-4848-85 $221.95 AX-4848 $60.52
60″ X 18″ 1000 A3-6018-85 $152.04 AX-6018 $35.28
60″ X 24″ 1000 A3-6024-85 $182.93 AX-6024 $45.70
60″ X 30″ 1000 A3-6030-85 $201.25 AX-6030 $51.35
60″ X 36″ 1000 A3-6036-85 $214.33 AX-6036 $57.42
60″ X 48″ 1000 A3-6048-85 $253.60 AX-6048 $69.28
72″ X 18″ 1000 A3-7218-85 $160.14 AX-7218 $57.92
72″ X 24″ 1000 A3-7224-85 $191.51 AX-7224 $49.26
72″ X 30″ 1000 A3-7230-85 $219.98 AX-7230 $58.04
72″ X 36″ 750 A3-7236-85 $240.24 AX-7236 $65.77
72″ X 48″ 1000 A3-7248-85 $266.86 AX-7248 $77.96
96″ X 18″ 500 A3-9618-85 $201.25 AX-9618 $51.78
96″ X 18″ 900 A3-9618-85C $230.98 AX-9618C $61.58
96″ X 24″ 500 A3-9624-85 $238.10 AX-9624 $63.98
96″ X 24″ 900 A3-9624-85C $267.60 AX-9624C $73.86
96″ X 30″ 500 A3-9630-85 $260.68 AX-9630 $71.61
96″ X 30″ 900 A3-9630-85C $290.48 AX-9630C $81.48
96″ X 36″ 500 A3-9636-85 $284.79 AX-9636 $79.70
96″ X 36″ 900 A3-9636-85C $311.02 AX-9636C $89.48
96″ X 48″ 500 A3-9648-85 $307.48 AX-9648 $86.26
96″ X 48″ 900 A3-9648-85C $336.97 AX-9648C $99.99
Choose Height

close-up of boltless rack

Height Add or Subtract
6′ -$1.94
7′ $0.00
8′ +$12.08
10′ +$20.79
12′ +$41.20

* “C” in stock number does not include heavy duty Channel beams
* Seismic Posts 1-7/8″ x 1-7/8″ add 2.00 per foot

Find the Right Warehouse Shelving Solution